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2024 Program

Unless otherwise stated, live talks will take place at

Christ Church Hall, Avenue Road, Great Malvern. WR14 3AY.

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Doors open 7pm for tea, coffee and biscuits for a 7.30pm start.

Admission is £4 for members; £5 for non-members


11 January: Let's talk about… trees and their energies

Zoom meeting. Members only.


17 January: 'The Secret Intelligence of Water', talk by 

Veda Austin. (See opposite.)

Zoom talk. Members only.


7 February: Renowned dowser and healer Patrick MacManaway on 'Circular Consciousness: understanding and living in harmony with the natural rhythms and cycles of time.' Zoom talk. Members only.


21 February: 'An Evening of Bird Wisdom' by shamanistic practitioner Karen Stead Dexter

Zoom talk. Members only.


2 March: Let's talk about… things that go bump in the night Zoom talk. Members only.


20 March: 'We Are All Healers', stories and live musical performance by singer-songwriter Keith Forrest

Malvern Dowsers' guest  is both healer and singer-songwriter: . His talk, entitled 'We are all Healers', aims to demonstrate how we can offer healing both to ourselves and to others, how the energies of the modern world can impact on both our physical and mental wellbeing.


17th April:  Priests of the Stones talk by dowser, author and experiential archaeologist Maria Wheatley who will share her pioneering research into the burial rites and the harnessing of natural earth energies by Stone Age peoples which persisted into Medieval cathedral construction and beyond. 


15 May: 'Borderlands to Another World' new images and old tales of the sacred springs, holy wells and spas of the Wales/England border by author and photographer Phil Cope.


8-9 June:  Hellens Garden Festival an Introduction to Dowsing at Much Marcle, Herefordshire HR8 2LY. 


19 June: A site visit  to the two churches at Kempley. One an arts and crafts church with papist effigies the other an exquisite 12th century Norman church with well preserved medieval wall paintings.


1st July A visit to one of our member's delightful garden with near views of the Malvern Hills for some dowsing.

This event is for members only.


17 July:  All-day workshop with shamanistic healer and channeller Lisa Fullbright Cossey at Hellens Manor, Much Marcle, Herefordshire, HR8 2LY. Participants will be shown how to access wisdom, healing and support in 'guidance levels' of consciousness. £30 for members and £40 for guests.

To book please contact treasurermalverndowsers@


14 September: 'Give Your Home an Autumn Energetic Polish'

Workshop with Adrian Incledon-Webber at 

Mathon Village Hall, WR13 NY

£65 for Members, £75 for non members.



18th September: Kelley Peachey will talk about crystals.

She will bring samples and crystals to buy.


9th October: Veda Austin - in person in Malvern.

We have a limited number of priority tickets for sale to members. The ticket price (set by Veda) is £40.

Once our allocation is gone you would need to apply to Veda's website.


16 October: AGM plus short talk.


20 November: Renovating lesser known Malvern springs

talk by Carly Tinkler of Malvern Spa Association.


4 December: Members' Christmas bring and share supper plus entertainment.



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